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MK's Reading Life

Lifelong passionate reader. Mysteries, Fantasy, and Non-Fiction of various sorts. Currently reading a fair amount focused on WWI and the interwar years. (I have no idea why.)

The Bread Bible

The Bread Bible - Rose Levy Beranbaum, Gentl Edge, Alan Witschonke, Hyers Edge, Michael Batterberry I've gotten frustrated not being able to find my favorite breads when I want them, so I've decided to make my own. Having made bread with my mother 30 years ago, I remembered many of the frustrations and having no solutions. This book is an excellent guide.The instructions are absolutely specific. She has separate instructions for using a bread machine, a stand mixer or kneading by hand. While this means the recipes cover multiple pages, if I follow them exactly, I will have success. I've made her ciabatta twice now. The first was to die for; to slather it in butter or dip it in oil would have been a crime. The second is just as delicious but even airier than the first. I'm in heaven. If you want to learn the craft of bread making, this is an excellent guide. The batches are small, which makes them manageable and encourages continued play. Her instructions are clear although the wordiness makes you want to skip them. Don't do it. Read the recipe through from beginning to end at least once before you start. I've only been at this for three weeks, but I'm well on my way to becoming the bread baker I want to be.